WordPress hooks and filters


3 min read

WordPress hooks and filters are fundamental concepts for extending and customizing the platform's functionality. They allow themes and plugins to interact with the core code at specific points, enabling a powerful development environment.

Understanding Hooks

Hooks provide designated locations within the WordPress codebase where WordPress developers can inject custom code. These points are triggered by various events, such as saving a post, loading a template, or rendering content. By hooking into these events, developers can:

  • Modify behavior: Change how WordPress functions by adding custom logic.

  • Extend functionality: Add new features without altering core files.

  • Filter data: Manipulate data before it's used or displayed.

The Two Flavors of Hooks: Actions and Filters

There are two primary types of hooks in WordPress:

  • Actions: These hooks allow you to execute your code at specific points during WordPress execution. Actions don't return a value, but rather perform an action, such as adding content to a page or sending an email.

  • Filters: In contrast, filters enable you to modify data passed through them. Filters accept data, manipulate it within your function, and then return the modified data for further processing. A common example is the the_content filter, used to modify post content before it's displayed.

Utilizing Hooks in Your Code

To leverage hooks, you'll use two main functions:

  • add_action(): This function registers a callback function (your custom code) to a specific action hook.

  • add_filter(): This function registers a callback function to a filter hook, allowing you to modify the passed data.

Both functions require two arguments: the hook name (identifier) and the callback function to execute.

Popular Hook Examples

WordPress offers a vast array of hooks, catering to various customization needs. Here are a few commonly used examples:

  • init: Fires at the very beginning of page loading.

  • wp_enqueue_scripts: Used to enqueue scripts and stylesheets.

  • the_content: Allows modification of post content before display.

  • pre_save_post: Triggers before a post is saved, enabling data validation or manipulation.

Here are two code examples showcasing both actions and filters in WordPress:

Example 1: Adding a Text to the Footer with an Action Hook

This example demonstrates adding a custom text to the footer using the wp_footer action hook.

// Define the callback function
function add_custom_footer_text() {
  echo '<p>This text is added via an action hook.</p>';

// Hook the function to 'wp_footer' action
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_custom_footer_text' );


  1. We define a function named add_custom_footer_text that simply echoes some HTML content.

  2. The add_action function is used to register this function.

  3. The first argument is the hook name, which is wp_footer in this case. This hook fires right before the closing </body> tag of your website.

  4. The second argument is the name of the callback function, which is add_custom_footer_text.

Example 2: Modifying Post Title with a Filter Hook

This example modifies the post title before it's saved to the database using the title_save_pre filter hook.

// Define the callback function
function modify_post_title( $title ) {
  // Add a prefix to the title
  return 'Custom Prefix: ' . $title;

// Hook the function to 'title_save_pre' filter
add_filter( 'title_save_pre', 'modify_post_title' );


  1. We define a function named modify_post_title that accepts the original post title as an argument.

  2. Inside the function, we prepend a string "Custom Prefix: " to the original title.

  3. The add_filter function is used to register this function.

  4. The first argument is the hook name, which is title_save_pre in this case. This hook allows modifying data before the title is saved.

  5. The second argument is the name of the callback function, which is modify_post_title.